Mpu Purwa museum is located at jalan Soekarno Hatta no. 210 Mojolangu Sub-District, Lowokwaru District, Malang city, East Java Province.
     In the 8th Century Malang was once the center of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom, which was the first kingdom in Java. The next Century Malang became a subordinat e area of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom which had moved to East Java. 13th Century Malang once again appeared in the arena of Javanese history, namely becoming the capital of the Kingdom of Tumapel. Sengguruh Kingdom is the last Hindu Kingdom in Java. Sengguruh Kingdom is located in the Southern part of Malang city (now in Kepanjen area).
     The collection of ancient objects that are stored in the Mpu Purwa Museum comes from prehistoric Times to historical Times, namely the Hindu-Buddist period. Relics from prehistoric Times consist of pellets, scratches and mortar Stones. Ascratch is found on the edge of the Metro River in the Tlogomas region.


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